Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3
Judge LeAnn Goerner
Civil Petitions
Civil Self Help Packets
Writ of Retrieval, Re-Entry and Restoration
Defendant's Answer (Small Claims and Debt Claims)
Statement of Inability to Afford Court Costs or an Appeal Bond (1.02MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
Alternatives to Payment of Fine and Costs
Eviction Forms
Statement of Inability to Afford Court Costs or an Appeal Bond
Texas Eviction Diversion Program (TEDP) Brochure
Hot Check
Affidavit - Issuance of a Bad Check
Ignition Interlock Removal
Application to Release Ignition Interlock Device
Occupational Driver's License
Instructions After the Judge Signs the Order
Occupational License Information Packet
Petition for Occupational License (1.07MB...Please be patient while it downloads)
Tow Hearings